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Our Range

Our services

Our range of services is aimed at children, young people, lateral entrants, newcomers, families, refugees and people with and without a migration background who set higher goals in life through social, school, professional and cultural life. In addition to learning support, we would also like to support them with working groups and home care.

learning support


Way Coaching is a tutoring school for children and adults with a multicultural background and from socially disadvantaged family backgrounds. The content of our teaching content is completely geared to the requirements and needs of the participants.

mission statement


Nonetheless, our mission at Way Coaching is not just to prepare children for one society, but for the whole world. No matter what profession they choose, the goal will be to boost their morale, because education is only one tool, while Way Coaching offers different tools to make the children the best example for the society.

Image by Kimberly Farmer

In doing so, we orientate ourselves on the subject content of the school and the learning challenges of the participants, the core curriculum of the State Education Authority as well as our own literature and use explanations from online platforms known to us.

Our services include activities and lessons. They take place in illuminated rooms as well as extracurricular locations and allow free development.

With WeCare, Way Coaching wants to improve the lives of children and young people in today's society. Integration in a multicultural society shaped by computers, mobile phones and social media increasingly creates a reluctance among adolescents to integrate into society. In addition, the corona pandemic has created gaps and restrictions on movement and integration, which poses a considerable challenge to teachers and is worrying for the legal guardians. This multiple burden on all those involved initially leads to different behaviors and limitations and often leads to a child’s loss of self-confidence, disinterest, exclusion, aggression or self-isolation.  

Los niños de Guinea Ecuatorial se levant

We teach in small groups (up to a maximum of three people), whereby the number of participants can vary at schools.

With our multicultural staff, we not only create a role model function, but also gain better access to the children and can motivate them so that they develop a desire to learn.

We support children from remedial, intensive, final classes, secondary school, junior high school, high school, vocational school through to university. Our successful work for children with a migration background is important for our society and we have been able to successfully help several people to accompany their school career and personal development.

Most children increasingly lose interest in school and do not feel that they belong to society. Most of the time, children have needs for school and extracurricular activities, for which they do not find the appropriate support due to financial and similar reasons. Sometimes there is hardly a contact point that really takes care of your concerns.

Our study groups and homework support

To counteract this, we offer homework assistance and various working groups (creative, sporting, cultural, advisory groups, etc.) and promote their creativity and self-confidence, improve their communication skills and create the basis for cultivating friendships and building social networks._cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ In addition, we offer the possibility of free spins.


We Care e simplify life in society. In tutoring for students, we orientate ourselves on the school subject content of the children, the core curriculum of the State Education Authority and our own literature and use explanations from online platforms that we know.  All A1-C1 exercise books are available for adults and we also use audiovisual online explanations.


Phase 1: problem analysis

Im Erstgespräch wird die aktuelle Situation des Kindes evaluiert. Hierbei erfolgt eine Überprüfung der Zeugnisse, Klassenarbeiten und der Heftführung nach Richtigkeit und Struktur. Im gemeinsamen Gespräch wird versucht, den wunden Punkt des Kindes zu erarbeiten, umzu erfahren, warum Ihr Kind nicht die gewünschte Leistung erbringt. Nach Vertragsabschluss werden die Kontaktdaten und die Probleme des/r Teilnehmers/in anschließend in unsere Datenbank aufgenommen. Anschließend erstellen wir den individuellen Lernplan Ihres Kindes.

Schule Notebook

Phase 2: The Learning Plan

Lessons are planned with the respective specialist based on the availability of your child and the available study group.

Stage 3: Explanations

Doing effective explanations based on the child's problems, ie explaining better and not providing solutions, stimulating the brain and encouraging thinking. The explanations are based on school expectations. Problem-oriented work is carried out. The child must be picked up where it experiences problems on the subject.

Teachers need to stimulate the brain and lead to a better understanding of the topic and not impose anything.


Stage 4: Exercises

Work out the first joint exercises so that the child feels able to gain continuity and perseverance as well as a better understanding of the topic.

Phase 5: Independent exercises

Independent exercises under observation The child works under observation

of the teacher Once the topics are understood, the child is presented with their own exercises. Homework is always given after each lesson according to the topics worked out and the children have to work out the topics and exercises they have learned.


Phase 6: Submit exam

Simulate an exam. A real exam takes place under the supervision of the teacher, unlike regular exams. If the child will not be able to pass the Way Coaching exam, the administration takes under observation and supports them with intensive individual course.

Unser Konzept

price overview

Single Child Prices

Family Package

Only child in private lessons 1 person

25€ / lesson

Only child in tandem lessons of 2 people

18€ / lesson

Only child in group lessons up to 3 people

14€ / lesson

*French and Spanish languages fall under the  unit price regulation

Only child in tandem lessons of 2 people

16€ / lesson

2 children in group lessons of 3 people

12€ / lesson

3 children in group lessons of 3 people

14€ / lesson

4 children in group lessons of 4 people

10€ / lesson

*The family package only applies to siblings living in the same household (relatives are not included)

online lessons

Only child in private lessons 

20€ / class hour

coaching workshops

We offer additional coaching workshops. Talk to us and make an appointment.

learning to learn


In this workshop we show ideas, ways and possibilities how your child can achieve better performance in school. 


Learn presentation and rhetoric skills

With professional guidance we teach you: 

1. How a Powerpoint presentation   should be structured.

2. How a presentation is presented professionally.

3. We can provide Canva training upon request.

language support

We specialize in the languages:

German, English, French and Spanish. We cover every level.


Learn to type with ten fingers


In everyday work, knowing how to type with ten fingers can be very beneficial and helps you learn better and more efficiently. We'll show you how you can improve here. 


Education and participation card

Children with official support are taught for 60 minutes or can optionally be taught up to 60 minutes. We take a problem-oriented approach and make sure that the children are grouped according to age, subject and knowledge so that they achieve a harmonious and effective result. We ask the children to inform the teacher as soon as they know about the exams (at least three weeks in advance) so that we can target them. can.


Join our learning support via the Education and Participation Card free of charge

In order to be able to join us for free, you have to apply for an education and participation card. The following requirements must be met:

Support from the job center:Parents must get support from the job center or Harz4

Support from the Office for Social Prevention:Parents receive child benefit supplement, housing benefit as support

We would be happy to help you fill out the application forms.For learning support, a confirmation from the school  and, if necessary, a cost estimate must be completed.

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