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About Us

Structure of the tutoring school

Way Coaching is a tutoring school not only for socially disadvantaged students and parents, but also supports children and adults with multicultural backgrounds and from socially disadvantaged family backgrounds. We teach our children based on the content of the lessons and our literature and use various online academic platforms. In order to make the lessons easy for the students to understand, we use an audio-visual and problem-based approach.


What sets us apart from others

We offertutoring for everyone. Adults, lateral entrants, interested parties and children with difficulties at school or with acquiring support for the certification of the German language, who want to achieve their dream grades or find their way around in society are welcome at Way Coaching.

Our strategy differs from other tutoring institutions because Way Coaching is always ready to adapt to different challenges of the children. Some challenges Way Coaching faced were children with poor grades leading to bullying at school, disinterest, low motivation and loss of self esteem. ButWay Coaching changes her life, by providing them with professional teachers adapted to their needs.

Sometimes the teachers put themselves in the children's shoes and understand how to deal with the daily challenges of the target groups. This will give you onebetter access to children's problemsand make it easier for them to learn.

We support children from remedial, intensive, final classes, secondary schools, junior high schools, grammar schools (including IGS), vocational schools and universities as wellNewcomers, beginners, career changers and refugees.

Our trump card is our teachers. We have teachers from different educational backgrounds and mediate to the studentshighly qualified teachers. Most of the teachers and children have a migration background but were born in Germany and have many years of experience in the German school system. You can better put yourself in the children's shoes and communicate with them because better communication is the key to success. Our teachers change their teaching methods, adapt the material to the children's needs and conduct different activities even if they teach the same content in different classes.

Wer sind wir

Our team


Yaw Hoarse


Hadassa Campos Hoarse



Sohaib Iqbal

Social Media & Marketing


Luna Ghide

Head of the Wiesbaden office


Sika ABA Gebonfoun



Senai Kristos



Adjei Fenteng 


Mathematics, German, English 

Iliass A. Boucetta 



Das Team


Our journey began in 2017 by reaching out to students at home in Darmstadt and the Rhine-Main area, which proved to be a successful approach. After seeing the need of high school students, we decided to set up a company in 2019 to provide quality service to more than 200 people and help children from different categories (special needs classes, secondary school, junior high school, Integrated comprehensive school, grammar school and lateral entrants as well as beginners including refugees acquire knowledge efficiently and independently). We have succeeded in bridging the children's knowledge gap and our approach not only makes them better at school but also helps them deal with the daily challenges of their lives.

In addition, we work in schools and offer remedial courses for students in the 1st to 4th grades as part of the "Lion Strong" program. This is an initiative of the Federal Republic of Germany to close gaps in education that have arisen as a result of the corona pandemic. In addition, we look after remedial, intensive and inclusion classes in secondary school.

We have organized ourselves in such a way that your child has no obstacles in reaching us, because we have locations in your neighborhood, at schools and offer online classes. Tutoring takes place on our premises in small groups (a maximum of three students take part). For schools, we follow the school guidelines and work in groups of up to 10 children with two responsible teachers. The online lessons take place via screen transmission and can be carried out at any time by appointment.



We're in your neighborhood, at school, in priority areas, and you'll find us online. Our locations not only have very good transport connections, they are also easily accessible on foot. Light-flooded and modern rooms and equipped with W-Lan connection options.

We offer a friendly atmosphere for motivated learning. We look forward to you.

Kranichstein (Grundstraße) 

The Kranichstein district workshop is a contact point for residents, advice for migrants and refugees from Kranichstein. 

  • Ensures an improvement in housing and living conditions 

  • Is networked with the institutions and facilities in the district

Click here for address 

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Refugee camp (Otto-Röhm-Strasse in Darmstadt)

The primary residences in Otto-Röhm-Str. 39 belong to the Pallaswiesenviertel and are located in a commercial area, close to EAD and Bauhaus. There are a total of 14 primary residences on the site. With public transport you can take buses to the “Im Tiefen See” stop.

Click here for address 

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Friedrich von Schiller School 

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In der Schule lernen aktuell 18 Klassen, 1 Vorklasse und 2 Vorlaufkurse. Insgesamt besuchen somit 430 Kinder unsere Grundschule. In unserem engagierten Kollegium arbeiten derzeit 27 Lehrer*innen und 3 Lehrkräfte im Vorbereitungsdienst, 1 Sozialpädagogin und 1 UBUS Kraft. Außerdem unterstützen uns 4 BFZ-Kräfte im Schulalltag.


Albrecht Dürer School 

Die Albrecht-Dürer-Schule ist eine kooperative Gesamtschule mit gymnasialer Oberstufe und einem breiten Bildungsangebot von der 5. bis zur 13. Klasse. Der zahlenmäßig stärkste Schulzweig der Schule ist der gymnasiale Zweig ab Klasse 5, der nach 9 Jahren (G9) zum Abitur führt. Way Coaching unterstützt hierbei die Förder-, Intensiv- und Inklusionschüler/innen, entstandene Lücken zu füllen.


Lincoln-Siedlung Darmstadt


Das Quartiersmanagement begleitet die Bewohner*innen der Lincoln-Siedlung bei der Entwicklung der Nachbarschaft und steht aktiv für Fragen und Ideen mit Rat und Tat zur Seite. Die Wissenschaftsstadt Darmstadt, das Diakonische Werk Darmstadt Dieburg und den Caritasverband Darmstadt haben das Quartiermanagement in der Lincoln-Siedlung beauftragt. Alle Informationen über Way Coaching könnnen beim Diakonischen Werk erfragt werden. Wir befinden uns im Hinterhaus der Mahalia-Jackson-Str. 15. Sprechzeiten können nur nach Absprache erfolgen.


Altes Gericht Wiesbaden - Unser Hauptstandort 

Das Alte Gericht in Wiesbaden ist ein historisches Gebäude im Stadtzentrum, das auf eine lange Geschichte zurückblicken kann. Es wurde im 16. Jahrhundert als Verwaltungssitz des Herzogtums Nassau errichtet und wurde in königlich preußische Kreisgericht Wiesbaden umgewandelt. Aus diesem entstand das Landgericht Wiesbaden, das im Zuge der Reichsjustizgesetze von 1877 zum 1. Oktober 1879 ins Leben gerufen wurde. Die historischen Elemente des Gebäudes, wie das Gewölbe und die alten Holzdecken, sind noch erhalten und verleihen dem Alten Gericht seinen Charme. Heute gibt es in den Räumlichkeiten Privatwohnungen, Startups, Vereine und Menschen, die ihre Homeoffice-Tätigkeit mit gutem Ambiente verbinden. In diesen Räumlichkeiten befindet sich nun die Hauptzentrale von Way Coaching. Die Mansonetten-Wohnung verfügt über zwei Etagen und darin befinden sich Büro, Lern- und Willkomens- und Wohnraumbereiche der Way Coaching-Gründer. Die Anbindung ist exzellent, denn in 3-5 Minuten Fußweg kann die Innenstadt erreicht werden, in 10 Minuten Fußweg ist der Hauptbahnhof Wiesbaden erreicht. Es sind zwei Haltestellen, oberhalb und unterhalb des Gebäudes zu finden. Von der Innenstadt kommend fährt man mit dem Bus Richtung Landeshaus oder Bahnhof und steigt an der Haltestelle Oranienstraße aus. Vom Bahnhof kommend steigt man an der Haltestelle Moritzstraße aus, wobei der Eingang des Gebäudes sich in der Gerichtsstraße (zwischen der Moritzstraße und der Oranienstraße) befindet. Kinder und Interressierte können bei besonders angenehmer Atmosphäre lernen.

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